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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - independent


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independent ~ adj 1 »COUNTRY/ORGANISATION« no comparative not governed or controlled by another country or organization  (India became independent in 1947. | The independent role of the Police Commission must never be compromised. | independent school/broadcasting etc especially BrE (=not owned or paid for by the government)) 2 »PERSON« a) confident and able to do things by yourself in your own way, without wanting help or advice from other people  (I quite like living alone, it's made me more independent.) + of  (study material that helps the student to be independent of the teacher) b) no comparative having enough money to live so that you do not have to depend on other people  (financially independent) + of  (Robert aimed to be independent of his parents by the time he was twenty.) 3 of independent means having your own income from property, investments etc  (a woman of independent means) 4 independent inquiry/opinion/advice etc something that is done or given by people who are not involved in a particular situation and who can therefore be trusted to be fair in judging it  (There have been demands for an independent inquiry into allegations of police misconduct.) 5 »SEPARATE« existing separately and not connected with or influenced by any others  (Three independent studies in three different countries all arrived at the same conclusion.) + of  (reports from two separate sources entirely independent of one another) - independently adv  (two systems that operate independently of each other)
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  (independents) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If one thing or person is independent of another, they are separate and not connected, so the first one is not affected or influenced by the second. Your questions should be independent of each other... Two independent studies have been carried out. ADJ: oft ADJ of/from n • independently ...several people working independently in different areas of the world. ADV: usu ADV with v, also ADV adj, oft ADV of/from n 2. If someone is independent, they do not need help or money from anyone else. Phil was now much more independent of his parents... She would like to be financially independent... ? dependent ADJ: oft ADJ of/from n • independently We aim to help disabled students to live and study independently. ADV: ADV after v, ADV adj/-ed 3. Independent countries and states are not ruled by other countries but have their own government. Papua New Guinea became independent from Australia in 1975. ADJ: oft ADJ from/of n 4. An independent organization or other body is one that controls its own finances and operations, rather than being controlled by someone else. ...an independent television station. ADJ: ADJ n 5. An independent school does not receive money from the government or local council, but from the fees paid by its students’ parents or from charities. (BRIT) He taught chemistry at a leading independent school. ? state ADJ: usu ADJ n 6. An independent inquiry or opinion is one that involves people who are not connected with a particular situation, and should therefore be fair. The government ordered an independent inquiry into the affair... ADJ: ADJ n 7. An independent politician is one who does not represent any political party. There’s been a late surge of support for an independent candidate. ADJ: usu ADJ n • An independent is an independent politician. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Date: 1611  1. not dependent: as  a.  (1) not subject to control by others ; self-governing  (2) not affiliated with a larger controlling unit an ~ bookstore  b.  (1) not requiring or relying on something else ; not contingent an ~ conclusion  (2) not looking to others for one's opinions or for guidance in conduct  (3) not bound by or committed to a political party  c.  (1) not requiring or relying on others (as for care or livelihood) ~ of her parents  (2) being enough to free one from the necessity of working for a living a person of ~ means  d. showing a desire for freedom an ~ manner  e.  (1) not determined by or capable of being deduced or derived from or expressed in terms of members (as axioms or equations) of the set under consideration; especially having linear independence an ~ set of vectors  (2) having the property that the joint probability (as of events or samples) or the joint probability density function (as of random variables) equals the product of the probabilities or probability density functions of separate occurrence  2. capitalized of or relating to the Independents  3.  a. main 5 an ~ clause  b. neither deducible from nor incompatible with another statement ~ postulates  Synonyms: see free  • ~ly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1644  1. capitalized a sectarian of an English religious movement for congregational autonomy originating in the late 16th century, giving rise to Congregationalists, Baptists, and Friends, and forming one of the major political groupings of the period of Cromwell  2. one that is ~; especially often capitalized one that is not bound by or definitively committed to a political party ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 a (often foll. by of) not depending on authority or control. b self-governing. 2 a not depending on another person for one's opinion or livelihood. b (of income or resources) making it unnecessary to earn one's living. 3 unwilling to be under an obligation to others. 4 Polit. not belonging to or supported by a party. 5 not depending on something else for its validity, efficiency, value, etc. (independent proof). 6 (of broadcasting, a school, etc.) not supported by public funds. 7 (Independent) hist. Congregational. --n. 1 a person who is politically independent. 2 (Independent) hist. a Congregationalist. Derivatives independently adv. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) индепендент 2) не зависящий от 3) независимый 4) независящий 5) самостоятелен 6) самостоятельный affinely independent set — аффинно независимое множество algebraically independent numbers — алгебраически независимые числа algebraically independent set — алгебраически независимое множество analytically independent function — аналитически независимая функция asymptotically independent events — асимптотически независимые события asymptotically independent increments — асимптотически независимые приращения completely independent trials — вполне независимые испытания conditionally independent distributions — условно независимые распределения convexly independent set — выпукло независимое множество general independent input — входящий поток с ограниченным последействием homologically independent cycles — гомологически независимые циклы hyperarithmetically independent class — гипер-арифметически независимый класс independent estimates — независимые оценки independent in probability sense — независимый в вероятностном смысле independent increments process — процесс с независимыми приращениями independent matrices matrix — независимые матрицы independent random variable — независимые случайные величины independent variable unit — блок независимой переменной independent wheel suspension — независимая подвеска колес integrally independent numbers — целочисленно независимые...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) независимый, самостоятельный 2) отдельный, автономный, суверенный 3) имеющий самостоятельный доход 4) обеспеченный • - Commonwealth of Independent States - Consortia of American Businesses in the Newly Independent States - independent activity - independent agencies - independent audit - independent broker - independent contractor - independent demand - independent observations - independent ordering INDEPENDENT самостоятельный; независимый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  независимый – density independent ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. IND ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. человек, независимый во взглядах, поведении 2. полит. член парламента или кандидат, не принадлежащий ни к какой партии 3. церк. конгрегационалист, сторонник конгрегационализма 4. независимый, самостоятельный independent state —- независимое государство independent conclusion —- самостоятельный вывод 5. имеющий самостоятельный доход; обладающий независимым состоянием; обеспеченный independent workman —- частный ремесленник independent young woman —- ам. молодая особа с независимым состоянием 6. непредубежденный independent proof —- объективное доказательство 7. тех. изолированный; свободностоящий; незакрепленный independent drive —- автономный привод 8. мат. независимый independent variable —- независимая переменная 9. грам. главный independent clause —- главное предложение ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) независимый, самостоятельный; не зависящий (of - от) to take an independent stand - иметь свою точку зрения - independent statehood  2) имеющий самостоятельный доход; обладающий независимым состоянием  3) непредубежденный - independent proof - independent witness  2. noun polit. независимый INDEPENDENT proof объективное доказательство INDEPENDENT statehood государственная независимость INDEPENDENT witness беспристрастный свидетель ...
Англо-русский словарь


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